Aadhaar Biometric Devices |
Aadhaar is a biometric-based citizen verification program from Govt of India. It aims to enable the citizens of India with a unique identity by building a digital platform for the verification of a person at any time and any place. Aadhaar Empowered Biometric Devices are broadly utilized by the Indian Govt. in different Government lead programs or social welfare plans spreading over a diverse cluster of applications. Furthermore, there will be a significant increment within the utilization of Aadhaar empowered biometric unique finger impression scanners and iris scanners by the Central & the State Govt.
Aadhaar Enabled Biometric Attendance System is an attendance administration system designed for Government Organizations by Indian Govt. to make strides efficiency of employees. Mivanta has Mantra Softech devices which known for its long-serving and popularity in many government-led programs. Mantra biometric devices are considered as pioneer devices for implementation of Aaadhar enable attendance system (AEBAS) in government organization.